Lakes and Oceans as Sentinels of Climate Change

Students learn about the potential of lakes to act as sentinels of climate change by examining a STEM study that uses lake cores to understand the impact of climate change on a local aquatic ecosystem. Students can engage in an optional math extension activity in which they graph diatom sediment data and compare patterns present in the data.

Program Details

Lakes and Oceans as Sentinels of Climate Change


•Resources providing an overview of the Rühland and co-authors (2013) STEM study including: oLake Cores Study.pdf oCBC- Overview of Study: oNunatsiaq News: •Heat Sinks.pdf •Diatom Sediment Data.pdf •Diatom Data-mania.pdf

Teacher discusses with students how Western scientists often look to lakes and oceans to understand the impacts of climate change. Oceans play a significant role in understanding and slowing climate change as they are massive heat sinks. Teacher reviews this vocabulary word with students along with atmosphere, lithosphere, cryosphere, biosphere, and hydrosphere using the Heat Sinks.pdf.

Western STEM Connection:

Scientists can also study past and current climates by examining cores taken from aquatic ecosystems. Ice core samples, for example, help scientists understand past ecosystems. Ice core samples from polar and glacial ice can be very useful to scientists for finding climate information as far back as 800 000 years. Scientists can also understand how climate change impacts current aquatic ecosystems by taking sediment cores from lakes. This was done in the following study:

Rühland, K.M., Paterson, A.M., Keller, W., Michelutti, N., and Smol, J.P. 2013. Global warming triggers the loss of a key Arctic refugium. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 280: 20131887.

Teachers familiarize themselves with the study by reviewing the following sources.

Teachers then introduce the study to their students using the Lake Cores Study.pdf and by playing the following recording:

Next teachers have students engage in the following graphing math extension activity found in the documents titled Diatom Sediment Data.pdf and Diatom Data-mania.pdf.