We invite all outdoor and nature enthusiasts to celebrate Christmas by observing and counting birds in the 45,000 ha “Frontenac” Christmas Bird Count (CBC) circle. No experience or birding skills necessary to take part in the largest Citizen Science project worldwide! This circle has a vast acreage of protected areas to cover – Frontenac Provincial Park and the Elbow Lake property included – so we are as much in need of “pedestrian” surveyors (hike, cycle, snowshoe or ski, as weather permits) as we are of drivers. Join us as a birder, navigator, scribe or simply for good company!

Contact the Frontenac CBC Coordinators if you are interested in participating as a field surveyor, or willing to count the birds that visit your feeder at home. Field teams will meet at 8:30 am at the Sydenham Branch of the Kingston Frontenac Public Library, where a “Winter Birds 101” crash-course will familiarize new birders with some of the species they may encounter, carpooling will be arranged, and teams will disperse. We round up at the library again for 4:30 pm to enjoy a warm meal, tally our counts, and share stories of the day. Read about highlights from last year’s survey in the Frontenac CBC 2015 Report and the Frontenac Gazette.
Families with young children are invited to participate in the Christmas Bird Count for Kids at Elbow Lake – see the event notice for more information.