Where is Water?

Students brainstorm where water is found and how it moves though our environment. Students then play a game to demonstrate how water moves through the water cycle using local examples.

Program Details

Where is Water?


Water Cycle Activity.pdf; Printed activity cards; 6 dice; Notebooks for each student to record movement

This activity demonstrates that the water cycle is more complex than the 2-dimensional cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation that students should be familiar with. By understanding that water is in the ground, the air, bodies of water, animals, etc., students will build an understanding of the importance of protecting our water.

  1. Students brainstorm the different types of water (sap, ground water, rain, etc.). Students next brainstorm places where water goes based on where students live (urban/rural- rainwater runoff, ponds, lakes, etc.).
  2. Students review water cycle- from previous grades (grade 4).
  3. Students complete Activity (Activity adapted from Project Wet): https://files.dnr.state.mn.us/education_safety/education/project_wet/sample_activity.pdf
  • To prepare, teachers will need to print a copy of the handout located in Water Cycle Activity.pdf and match the instructions to the appropriate station.
  • Each student represents a water molecule.
  • Students are placed at 8 different stations: St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, animal, ground water, soil, plant, pond, clouds. There should be an even number at each station, apart from clouds, if needed.
  • Students line up and the person at the front rolls a die. The worksheet instructs students where to go next. If the card says ‘stay,’ students move to the back of the line.
  • Students should carry a notebook with them to track which stations they go to.

4. Discussion.

Discussion Prompt: How is the Indigenous notion of the interconnectedness of all beings similar to and different from Western scientific ideas related to the water cycle?