Water as Relative

Students think about the connections of life to water through examining a piece of art by Métis artist Christi Belcourt. Students will then create their own artwork depicting their connections to and interdependence with water.

Program Details

Water as Relative


•Printed copies of art or projection of images for the class •Paper and art materials (including pencil crayons and newspapers/magazines)
  • Teachers discuss with students the fact that water isn’t just a molecule. It is the relationship it has with everything else. 
  • Students are asked to take a closer look at this art piece and notice the connections that exist within it. Students work to identify what is contained in it and where the water moves (within the animals and plants as well). 
  • Students create a smaller piece of art of their own, drawing or using flyer/newspaper/magazines clippings expressing their own modern/urban/industrialized version of connections to water. Students should not strive to recreate or replicate Christie Belcourt’s style of art. Instead, they should choose an art style cohesive with their own cultural background and positionality. The intention of this activity is not to learn to recreate an Indigenous style of art but for students to understand and express the interconnectedness and interdependence conveyed in Christie Belcourt’s art piece. 

This activity shows the interconnectedness of water to everything else. This belief is held in common with a Western scientific perspective. This activity, therefore, point to the similarities that exist between the two ways of knowing.