Culminating Activity: Living in Reciprocity: Contributing to a Pollinator Garden

Students explore pollinator gardens and how they can give back to them.

Program Details

Culminating Activity: Living in Reciprocity: Contributing to a Pollinator Garden



Students support a local pollinator garden. Follow link below for a pollinator garden document developed by Kanyen’kehá:ka community member Kelly Maracle. Resource is also available in the Pollinator Garden pdf.

Class One:
  1. Students asked the following question(s):
    • In what ways are humans reliant on pollinators? 
    • In your opinion do humans have any responsibility to protect pollinators? 
  2. Students are given 10-20 minutes to find out as much information out about this topic as possible. 
  3. In circle students share their thoughts related to the prompts. 
  4. Teacher reviews the 7 Generation Teachings with students. This is the idea that we have a responsibility to protect the natural world (our relatives) for the next 7 generations. Students will utilize the principles of the Seven Generations stewardship to support healthy relationships with themselves, others and plant and animal life. 
  5. Time permitting teachers can research, find and play clips showcasing what youth around Turtle Island are doing to protect the natural world.
  6. Students given a list of resources on pollinator gardens to review. Teacher should do research prior to this lesson to compile a comprehensive list for their students. 
  7. Students are asked to brainstorm ways they can give back to pollinators.  
Class Two: 
  1. In small groups students come up with an action plan of how they can give back to pollinators: 
    • Build a bee bath
    • Build a bat box
    • Make a bird bath
    • Make an insect hotel
    • Builds a bird apartment
  2. Students conduct research into these ideas and work on their projects. The teacher can find a local pollinator garden to donate student creations too. Some local universities/colleges, as well as parks will be good starting points.