Culminating Activity: Entering into Relationship with our Plant Relatives

Taking inspiration from Ra’nikonhrí:io Lazare and Katsenhaién:ton Lazare, students will create their own videos that capture our relationships with a specific plant. Duration: Over multiple work periods

Program Details

Culminating Activity: Entering into Relationship with our Plant Relatives


• Onkwanónhkwa Episodes • Recording technology (phones, class iPads, etc.)

A Knowledge Keeper or community member should be invited in to consult with students as they create their videos.


1. Students review video series depicting Ra’nikonhrí:io Lazare and Katsenhaién:ton Lazare from Kahnawake Quebec providing teachings about Mullein, Staghorn Sumac, Plantain, and Milkweed. Videos were developed in partnership with the Kanien’kehá:ka Onkwawénna Raotitióhkwa Language and Cultural Center:

2. Students choose their own plant species to produce a short video about. Student videos can include names for the plant species in Anishinaabemowin and Kanyen’kéha in addition to their Western Scientific or Latin name, the gifts the plant provides from an Indigenous land-based perspective and a Western scientific perspective, and ways in which we can give back to the plant species. (Oral recordings of plant names can be found on the QUILLS website.)

3. Teachers can submit videos to the Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre. Top videos will be included on the website for other classes to view in future years.