Quills Theme: Biodiveristy Crisis
Culminating Activity: Entering into Relationship with our Plant Relatives
Taking inspiration from Ra’nikonhrí:io Lazare and Katsenhaién:ton Lazare, students will create their own videos that capture our relationships with a specific plant. Duration: Over multiple work periods
- Bundle: Gifts of the Earth
Living in Reciprocity with All Our Relations
Students explore the meaning of All Our Relations and interdependence by creating a community web that demonstrates these important concepts. Students will also explore how many of the things they depend on in their everyday lives come from the natural world.
- Bundle: Gifts of the Earth
Biodiversity and Invasive Species: A Garlic Mustard Case Study
Students will explore the impact of invasive species on biodiversity specifically by looking at garlic mustard. Students will draw a scientific drawing of the plant, play a game to understand how it moves through ecosystems, discover plans on how to eradicate it, and contribute to citizen science.
- Bundle: Gifts of the Earth