The Pavilion was packed as 42 participants representing lake associations, local environmental organizations, landowners and concerned citizens attended an Invasive Species Community Seminar, co-hosted by QUBS and the Frontenac Stewardship Foundation, with funding from the Community Foundation for Kingston and Area.
A series of five presentations served as an introduction to the who’s and what’s of invasive species and their management in Ontario: From the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s role in preventing new invasions, to the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters’ efforts for early detection and public education, seminar participants were provided an overview of provincial efforts to deal with invasive species. Examples of current research at Queen’s University — including studies taking place right here on QUBS properties — demonstrated how results impact government policy and management practices. Ducks Unlimited presented a case study on their rapid response to European Water Chestnut, while Nature Conservancy of Canada shared ongoing efforts to eradicate, control or monitor established invasives on their properties within the Frontenac Arch Natural Area.
An outdoor tour of the Elbow Lake property allowed NCC and Queen’s University to share successes, challenges and failures regarding invasive species management efforts on-site. The tour emphasized invasive species identification and Citizen Science initiatives for reporting invasions, and also allowed plenty of time for participants to ask direct questions of the experts on species of particular interest.
Feedback from this event was overwhelmingly positive! Unfortunately, several additional interested citizens had to be turned away, but we do hope to post PDF documents of the day’s presentations on the ELEEC website shortly.
The threat of invasive species is not one that is going to resolve itself anytime soon… With additional funding from the CFK&A, the Frontenac Stewardship Foundation plans to address on-the-ground management action through a series of events and workshops in 2016. Stay tuned!