Our society is increasingly reliant on information technology (IT) in our everyday lives. The four-part Nature: Explore IT! workshop series will familiarize you with the technology and capabilities of mobile devices (phones and tablets), using examples that build on an overarching theme of exploring nature using IT.
While each workshop builds on the knowledge gained in Part 1 – Getting Started, later offerings in this series are designed to stand alone, particularly for participants with a basic familiarity with mobile device technology.
This time, we investigate ways the Internet is coming into our daily lives, from activity monitors on our wrists to controlling appliances in our home via smartphone, in:
Part 3 – The Internet of Things
- What is “the Internet of things”?
- Security cameras, geo-locator devices, wearable technology… & more
- Drones and their uses
- Information security and tips to protect yourself from privacy invasion!
… other topics to be determined based on participants’ interests.
Two two-hour session options are offered for Part 3 – The Internet of Things: March 26 (Sunday) from 1-3 pm*, or March 28 (Tuesday) from 1-3 pm*. Advance registration required. Fee is $15/person.
*A 30-minute refresher on the basics, as per Part 1: Getting Started, will be offered prior to each session. $5/person.