Families are invited to participate in the Frontenac Christmas Bird Count through the Christmas Bird Count for Kids, which introduces younger nature enthusiasts to birdwatching and winter bird diversity. A hands-on, highly sensory indoor presentation will explore common birds of the Elbow Lake property after which our “birding team” will arm ourselves with binoculars and field guides and head outside on a guided hike to count birds. Suitable for children ages four and up, although novice adult birders and the “young-at-heart” are also welcome!
Come to the Pavilion for 9:30 am, dress appropriately for one hour outdoors, and bring a lunch if you wish as we will wrap up around 12 noon with hot chocolate and treats. This event is free, but advance registration is highly recommended.
Teens and older youth are encouraged to help survey within the Frontenac CBC circle – see the event notice and contact the Frontenac CBC Coordinators to participate in North America’s longest-running Citizen Science project!