Content Type: Culminating Activity
Culminating Activity: Becoming a Change Maker
After communicating with local Indigenous and non-Indigenous leadership, students propose a plan for how to deal with a local climate change issue. Students are provided with different options for how they will demonstrate their understanding.
- Bundle: Food
Culminating Task: Spreading the Word about Invasives
Students pick an invasive species to research and report on. Research must touch on the impact the species has on Indigenous land-based practices and how management practices are informed by both Indigenous and non-Indigenous ways of knowing.
- Bundle: Tools
Culminating Activity: Entering into Relationship with our Plant Relatives
Taking inspiration from Ra’nikonhrí:io Lazare and Katsenhaién:ton Lazare, students will create their own videos that capture our relationships with a specific plant. Duration: Over multiple work periods
- Bundle: Gifts of the Earth