Content Type: Community Action Project

Culminating Activity: Becoming a Change Maker

After communicating with local Indigenous and non-Indigenous leadership, students propose a plan for how to deal with a local climate change issue. Students are provided with different options for how they will demonstrate their understanding.

Living in Reciprocity

Depending on the time of the year this Learning Bundle is taught, students can engage in seed starting, planting, tending to, harvesting, or seed saving. If the class or school does not have its own garden, the class can arrange to visit the garden at Elbow Lake or another community garden in the region.

Using Technology to Curb the Spread of Invasives

Students learn about how modern forms of technology can be used to control invasive species impacting Indigenous land-based practices such as Dutch elm disease and phragmites.

Community Efforts to Curb the Spread of Invasives

Students learn about how Haudenosaunee community members in Akwesasne are utilizing a variety of strategies, including planting trees, to manage the impact of the emerald ash borer on black ash tree stands. After learning about the value of planting native tree species students practice saving and planting native tree seeds.

Tracking Invasives

Students learn about the locally pervasive invasive species, garlic mustard, and use a website developed by local scientist, Rob Colautti, to track its presence. As an extension students identify other flowers and plants found nearby and both identify whether they are native, naturalized or invasive and question the implications of this.

Culminating Task: Environmental Issues and Activism Inquiry Project

A culminating activity for students to research a current Canadian environmental issue and design a social justice campaign for their school.

Water Wasting Journal

Students keep a personal water journal to track their own water consumption and understand ways they can contribute to making positive change on a personal level.

Treating Oil Sands Wastewater

Students learn about the water contamination from oil sands and how scientists are helping to clean it up.

Relational Gardening

Students learn about interdependence by discovering the role that each element in a 3 Sisters Garden plays in the garden’s health and vibrancy. Students also reflect on their own responsibility to care for the land.